Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cheery Stuff on a Gray Day...

Driving back from a short trip to the post office a while ago I came to this stop sign and was greeted by this cheering sight on what was a gray day which was not all due to the weather.

And as you can maybe see, it suddenly turned a little less gray. Someone was having some fun and while all five of the snowfolks were cool...
....Mom was the most...

...and actually put a small smile on my face.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Michael Anthony....

...aka grandson number three. I still like these older looking pictures. Don't you do too?

And this is his dad from 43 years ago... the little guy on stage left staring at the camera.

This old picture I called "Faded Times" when I first put it up on the original Timeshots, but maybe not so faded after all.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Late Last Summer....

I took this little picture late last summer...sometime in the middle of September when it was still nice and warm out on my back deck. I think it's worth a revisit there today when it's not so nice and warm.

Don't you?

Monday, February 05, 2007

An Unusual Looking Shadow....

The other day it finally snowed a little here in Manchester Connecticut. And it also got very cold. I looked out on the deck and saw this odd shadow and light pattern. The direction of the sun is obvious. There is a window facing the direction of the deck about six feet to the right of the camera location which I guess was reflecting some of the bright sunlight back onto the deck creating this odd pattern of shadow and light for a few minutes.

So I took this snapshot.