Thursday, October 27, 2005

Without Comment

I never did publish this picture on the original Timeshots, although I should have. Today seems like a good day to publish it here. Bush dumped the hapless sycophant. I backed out of a sailing trip that I have been looking forward to for over two years. Well, I thought I was looking forward to it. Guess not. The press and some of us Bush despisers have been out of breath waiting for something to happen to the Rove character, and we still are. Waiting and out of breath. The Chicago White Sox have actually won the World Series, even though no-one even cares. Well, Marilyn does. It's nearly November. That is a fact.

I am anxious and waiting for more strange things. Maybe Bush will have another little private talk with Jesus and bomb Cuba. But if Castro is too scary, isn't there another little island nation like Granada somewhere that needs to be saved from itself. I can feel it in my bones. Something is on the way.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

From out of the Past...

This picture, one of my Timeshots that I consider classic was taken while on a fall trip to Cliff Island, Maine back in the sixties. Marilyn (she is the one smoking the cigarette and looking at me with an odd look) and I were invited by Dave and Jane to spend a weekend with them on Cliff Island in a house that belonged to Jane's family. I am not sure what they were thinking when I took this picture. Maybe they were not thinking about anything. Now, when I look at the picture I think about how the forty odd years have changed us all. And how we are all the same too. I wish I could remember a lot more about the trip. I do remember walking all around the outside of the Island with Dave one day. We did a total circumnavigation. I don't know what Marilyn and Jane did that day. Probably hung out made small talk a while and then retreated to their own places. I know that at the end of the trip, Marilyn and I agreed that we probably wouldn't go back, but that we did have an intriguing time. And what we used to call a good go-out.

There is so much more that I could say.